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Royal Naval Writers Association

Formed in 1887 - The Oldest Military Association

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Royal Naval Writers’ Association

The World’s Oldest Military Association – Est. 1887

19th September Committee and Members Meeting





Colin Hughes (CH)              President

Pat Prior QVRM (PP)          Vice President & Treasurer

Lyn Gannon (LG)                 Secretary

Jim Donaldson (JD)             Committee Member

Tony Mason (TM)                 Committee Member

David Spicer (DS)                Committee Member

Tony Webber (TW)               Committee Member

Gill Orchard (GO)                 Member

Bob Millard (BM)                  Member

Dennis Wren (DW)              Member

Greta Grindell (GG)             Member

Penny Wallis (PW)               Member

Jim Leeson (JL)                    Member

Steph Durrance (SD)           Member

Neil Durrance (ND)              Member

Adrian Hamilton (AH)          Member

Vicky Hamilton (VH)            Member

Committee Apologies

Don McGeorge

Member Apologies

Alf Parr, Steve Hamblin, David Scott, Brian Wead, Vince Hawkins, Nigel Coy, Dave Gadd, John Large, Kathryn Simmons, Christine Senior, Richards Dean, Peter Danks, Lesley McCarthy, David Ramsey, Barbara Mason and Matt Ireson.

Crossed the Bar

No details of members have been passed to the Committee.

Minutes of the last meeting 16 July 2024

The minutes of the last meeting were approved – proposed by PP, seconded by DS.

Matters Arising from 16 July 2024

IM to produce a paper outlining the options for a Writers Memorial at DLA, Worthy Down – IM said this was currently in abeyance whilst an action between the contractors and DLSA was being resolved. He hoped for a full update for the September meeting – deferred to the next meeting after updates from IM.

Treasurers Report

PP reported that the current balance is £10,232.76. This includes an outstanding invoice of £357.49 that she wished to discuss with the President, and approximately £4,800 is held towards the dinner in October.

A donation of £25 had been paid to the Penlee Lifeboat, in memory of Richard Eddy, iaw the family’s request.


CH said he had been approached to ascertain if the RNWA wished to have its own branded rum to sell. LG said that the Association of Wrens and the RNA had been involved with the same company and the procedure had been to go onto the website, select your item(s) and then tick a box for the organisation you wished to use – once your purchase is complete and paid for, a £5 donation was paid to that organisation. It was agreed that this would also be the best way for the RNWA to proceed. CH agreed to go back to the company to set this routine in place.

ACTION –      CH to liaise to set up the donation from sales routine.

Update on Reunion Dinner

LG advised that to date, there were 104 people attending (17 serving, including the GOH, 63 members and 24 guests). There would be a raffle (£5 per strip of tickets) (donations welcomed) being drawn between courses and a couple of games of Heads or Tails (£1 per game) on completion of the dinner. Fines (£3) for non-wearing of the RNWA membership badge would also be collected. It was agreed to pay for programmes for the table to be printed professionally.

The AGM would be held in Bar 1805 (formerly Brocks Bar) at 1730 – raffle prizes to be delivered there – and then the bar would open at 1800 on completion of the AGM. The seating plan would be placed on a board outside the main entrance to the Ballroom.

A full list of dinner guests will be published prior to the dinner.

Richard Dixon had suggested sticky name labels to be given out, so that people can be recognised. After discussion by all meeting attendees and a vote by the Committee – it was unanimously agreed not to go ahead with this.

Update on the Cenotaph Marching Contingent

LG said that we had filled our allocation of 20 spaces and the RBL would issue tickets directly to those people (electronically) on or about 30 October. All information had been included in the recent newsletter).

In previous years, British Rail have given free tickets to those travelling wearing a veteran’s badge on the Sunday – keep a lookout in case it happens this year.

 In DM’s absence, JD read out this report:

New Members Since Last Meeting (10):

Rona Betts                            Ex WWtr (P)

Jen Fletcher                          Ex ALWWtr

Chris Haley                           Ex Cdr/CT/Wtr…

Chris Ihme                             POWtr

Tim Jones                              WO1 Wtr

Sheena McGeorge              Ex LWWtr

Dafydd Piggin                       Logs (Wtr) – Writer of the Year 2024

Samantha Roberts               Ex WWtr (P)

Lorna Stubbs                        Ex CPOWtr

Jennifer White                      Ex LWWtr (G)

Totals in membership:

After allowance for those that have lapsed/resigned or CtB since the last AGM:

Sep 24: Honorary Life 3, Life 27, Members 286, Totals: 316

Oct 23: Honorary Life 3, Life 29, Members 218, Totals: 250

Standing Orders:

As at time of writing, there are some 123 Standing Orders in operation – representing approximately 43% of the total paying membership – last report 38.8%.


1.         Polo Shirts:  Continuing their success – a further 24 are now on order for delivery by the Dinner/AGM (4 of which will be collected at the event). Details of names and postal addresses will be forwarded to the Treasurer once the shirts are on their way to her.

2.         Sweatshirts: JD said that he has been advised that the company supplying RNWA branded merchandise is closing down that part of the business to focus on areas that have a better return. We currently have an order of 24 polo shirts being fulfilled (all sold) and it was suggested we order a stock of sweatshirts whilst the Company still has the equipment; so thirty have been ordered (15 L, 15 XL) and they will be available for sale at the Annual Dinner.  AH said that he could get a contact for branded merchandise and would pass the details on.

3.         Cummerbunds: A suggestion was recently put forward to consider the sale of RNWA embroidered Cummerbunds…………..not one for me, but also not my decision!

It was agreed to hold this item in abeyance until a new supplier is found. As well as cummerbunds, a scarf could also be considered.

JD asked if other items raised by DM had been discussed – BCC on emails? It was agreed that for committee business, email addresses can be shown but all other communication must be BCC.

DM had asked about elections not being sought. CH said that the new rules regarding this would not come into effect until ratified at the AGM, therefore this was not required, especially as no current committee member had stated they were standing down. However, when the agenda is issued next week – a note could be added asking if there were any volunteers to join the committee.

Any Other Business

GG asked if raffle prizes could be handed in before the dinner – this was agreed (added into dinner update)

TM asked if future meetings could start earlier at 1900. This was agreed and Item 11 of the new Rules to be amended to show this.

There being no further business the meeting ended at 1955.

The date of the next meeting is Thursday 19 November.


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