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Royal Naval Writers Association

Formed in 1887 - The Oldest Military Association

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Royal Naval Writers’ Association

The World’s Oldest Military Association – Est. 1887

Feb 2021 Newsletter

Foreword from The President

Fellow Scribes,

Who would have thought that almost a year later we would still be fighting the COVID-19 virus in what seems to be a merry go round of lockdowns and restrictions. Some would say little wonder when the newspapers publish pictures of crowded parks etc. Alas we are where we are, and I am sure that like me you are all looking to better times ahead now that the vaccine is being rolled out. 

I hope that the virus has passed you by and you and your families remain alive and in the best of health.  To those who have lost someone the Committee and indeed all members send our deepest sympathy. Let us hope that this year our usual activities go ahead once again. We will be running the Grand National Draw as we believe the race will be held maybe without the usual racegoers.  It would be great to see many of you at the Annual Reunion Dinner to be held on Friday 8th October, more of these two events from the Secretary.

Let us hope that this year sees the virus tamed if not overcome and we all get back to normal whatever “normal turns out to be.”

Keep safe & Healthy!

Colin Hughes

RNWA President

3 Barnes Lane
Sarisbury Green
Southampton Hants.
SO31 7DA

Tel. 01489 573101


Annual General Meeting

Pat Prior BEM QVRM

RNWA History was made. at the AGM on 26/11/20 when the rules of the RNWA were amended to appoint a Vice-President and the honour was bestowed upon Pat Prior BEM QVRM.

Notionally is Pat the first person to hold this role but she is the first woman in the RNWA’s 134-year history to hold an ‘executive position’ on the Committee. Pat was recognised, on behalf of all other women, for her dedication and valuable input that she and all the females contribute (It wasn’t until the mid-1990’s that women were permitted to become members of the RNWA).

Life Member George Mytom-Hart BEM stood down from the Committee having been the past Treasurer & Committee Member and is recognised for his invaluable contribution.

The following were re-elected:-

Colin Hughes – President

Pat Prior BEM QVRM – Vice President & Treasurer

Les Heyhoe BCAv – Secretary & Membership

Mike Moncur  – Committee

Tony Webber – Committee

Lyn Gannon   – Committee

Newly elected:-

Jim Donaldson Committee

Tony Mason   – Committee

David Spicer  – Committee    Unanimously approved.

Another RNWA historical moment occurred as the  AGM was held virtually which saw 27 members in attendance. In times of COVID-19 and lockdowns this is obviously the route to take with 2021 mtgs. and you will be emailed to join. Please remember all minutes are available to view via the website. 


As of 31st December ’20:-

  . 3 Honorary Members            34 Life Members             230 Members

267 * Total

* At the time of going to print some members will have been lapsed i.a.w. subscription rule 5b. and membership rule 6. – 20 outstanding for 2019.

16 outstanding for 2020.

52 Due during 2021.

If applicable, a reminder letter is enclosed, otherwise you are not due to pay prior to 2021.

Please forward a cheque payable to the ‘RNWA’ with your membership contribution card (another will be issued if lost or mislaid) and a stamped self-addressed envelope or make an online payment to Lloyds Bank 30-96-26 (Oldham) A/C No. 34521468 and email the amount and date paid to the Membership Secretary.   

If you prefer to make one total payment for tickets, membership or reunion dinner or combination this is quite acceptable.

Treasurer’s Report

As of 31st December, ’20.

£6,039.67 … includes

(£1,506.50) – NMA

(£   886.00) – Dinner’21

(£   715.00) – Donations

£500 from G Kershaw Est

(£   861.08) – Profit GN

NB: £200 deposit for ’20 c/f to 2021 Reunion Dnr.


Rebecca Fyans MBE

‘Bex’ is a Leading Writer who only joined the RNWA in March 2020 and is one of our youngest serving members. In the 2020 Queen’s Birthday Honours (delayed due to Covid19) Bex was quite rightly so (in our opinion) awarded the MBE for her work outside of the RN with her support and involvement with the (PDSA) Portsmouth Down Syndrome Association – visit the web and read her story.  

134th Reunion Dinner  Friday 8th October ‘21

2020 again was a year of history with the dinner being canceled for the very first time due to C19

Enclosed an application for this year which all being well will proceed. 35 attendees already confirmed and paid c/f from 2020. Invited GOH 2SL Vice Adm. N. Hine CB

Grand National – Sat. 10th April 2021

The Grand National  should happen this year!?, even with or without spectators, but irrespective whether it does or does not a draw will still be held. The Committee might still not be able to attend my home due to restrictions so perhaps yet another first at 7pm Tuesday 6th April the draw virtual and ‘live’.

Therefore, please find 2 Books of raffle tickets or more if previously requested (also more can be made available) and please do your utmost to either sell them on or purchase them yourself in support of the RNWA.  

Les Heyhoe BCAv

Newsletter Editor & Producer RNWA Secretary &  Membership


Tel. 023 9235 7181 or          07494 150563


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