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Royal Naval Writers Association

Formed in 1887 - The Oldest Military Association

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Royal Naval Writers’ Association

The World’s Oldest Military Association – Est. 1887

Newsletter August 2024


Fellow Scribes,

We are fast approaching the season of “mists and mellow fruitfulness” when we don’t appear to have had much of a summer.  Forecasters no doubt will come up with statistics on hours of sunshine and inches of rain compared with other years. They are forecasting that September will be good – let us hope so.  Back in May I bought a cordless lawn mower and have had to use it only twice which means we must have had a dry summer? 

Anyway, to business.  I look forward to seeing you all again at the Annual Reunion dinner and the AGM.  Some of the items for the agenda are The Abolition of the Directory and Ratification of the Rules, etc these are covered more thoroughly in this Newsletter by our Membership Secretary.  I encourage everyone to study these items fully, ready for the AGM.

I hope that all of you who have been on holiday had a really enjoyable time and those who are going on holiday share that experience.


Well, I must admit I have had a few holidays this year – still have one more to go in September, then the spectre of a total knee replacement to look forward to on 14th November. Cannot say I am looking forward to it – but I really need it (kneed? See what I did there??)


As of today, there are 98 names for the dinner – would be good to make – or break – the 100 mark! The deadline for applications is Friday 27 September, which is also the cut-off date for cancellations.

I have a small number of applications that I am still awaiting payment for, and I will be contacting those people to chase this up.

Of course, before the dinner, there is the AGM at 1730, it would be lovely to see lots of happy faces there – please come along and have your input into your Association.

There will be a raffle held during this year’s dinner – donations for prizes will be gratefully received (bottles of alcohol tend to go well!). There will also be the obligatory Heads and Tails, make sure you have your £1 coins ready.

After the closing date for applications, I will publish a list of attendees (on the website and FB page). The seating plan will be compiled in accordance with your seating requests and will be on display outside the Ballroom on the evening.


I applied to the Royal British Legion for an allocation of tickets and was allowed 20 places. These places have all been allocated. There have been a couple of volunteers to shout out the orders and keep us in step – I will advise on the day – and I will have the wreath to be handed over on behalf of the RNWA.

TRBL will issue tickets and instructions directly – by email – to those attendees at the end of October. The routine (usually) is that we meet on Horseguards as a group as detailed by TRBL (e.g. Column E, group 23 or whatever) at the designated time. Its usually quite early as 10,000 marching personnel must get through security – you will need photo ID. This is the time to find old mates, have a chat, cup of tea, bacon roll, whatever – not forgetting the important toilet stop! We will form up properly around 10.00, before, and be marched out onto our place on Whitehall.

This is the serious bit of the day, so no wandering around, no smoking, no drinking – there are TV cameras everywhere and we are on display to the world.

There is a lot of standing around until the whole parade is called to attention for the solemn business of the day. There are big screens so you can see what is happening.

Once we are ready to march, our marker will call the pace – a sensible pace, listening to the drumbeat. They will call eyes left as we approach the Cenotaph, and eyes front when we are past it. We continue marching – in step – back to Horseguards. Before we get back, there will be another salute – usually by a member of the Royal family and this will be an eyes right, followed by eyes front just as we right wheel back onto Horseguards. Once we come to a halt, we remain formed up and clap everyone else coming in behind us. Then we can be dismissed and go on our way. There is not a planned post event do this year – can certainly look at this for next year – but most people tend to go to a local hostelry or the Civil Service Club.

Rig of the day

Dark clothing is the norm – black or navy blue. Poppies should be worn, as well as medals if you wish. If they are your medals, wear them on the left, other peoples (e.g. father, grandfather etc) are worn on the right. Military pin badges may be worn (e.g. the Writers Association pin badge). Most ladies tend to wear trousers – the most important thing is comfortable shoes – standing and marching definitely makes your feet ache! Hats are optional, and it’s probably a good idea to wear a waterproof coat – but hopefully it won’t rain on our parade.

I will be at the Dinner and the Cenotaph, hope to see you at one or both events!


Much of the work mentioned in this section of previous Newsletters is now well underway and advanced and will have been reported elsewhere.  My input, this time, concentrates on just 4 key areas:

            •          Numbers in Membership

            •          Merchandise

            •          Revised Rules and Regulations and

            •          The Abolition of the Writers Directory.


In October 2023, at the last AGM, the numbers looked like this and were, for the most part, on a downward trajectory:

            Honorary Members                   – 3

            Life Members                           – 29

            Members                                  – 218

            Total Membership                    – 250

These figures were however slightly disingenuous as, amongst the “members” several were not actually paying members and had not done so for some time but – because of the way the rules were formed at that time – they were still being shown as “members”.

It is therefore important to observe that, since October 2023 we have actually lost 7 of that number to the sad inevitability of “crossing the bar”, and a further 8 through resignations or lapsed membership.

This puts the growth of membership since last year into even greater perspective as, allowing for the 15 mentioned above that are no longer shown in the “net” figures, we now stand, as at 31 August 2024, at:

            Honorary Members                   – 3

            Life members                            – 27

            Members                                  – 284

            Total membership                    – 314

Effectively, we have had 79 new members join us in the past 10 months or so, and a resultant gain of 64 to our active membership, allowing for the losses mentioned above – a “net gain” of some 26%!  

This is not only down to the hard work of the entire committee in promoting membership, but also to that of you, our members, who continue to champion the Association as and when they can – this is really appreciated!

If you want to see who is now in membership, simply click here


Polo Shirts

These have proven to be of high quality and good fit, and very popular – more so than expected in all honesty!  We have one further order going forward for delivery in time for the AGM in October, and the list will close on Monday 9 September 2024 to ensure that we can meet that deadline.

If you would like to make an order please provide details of size, and whether you would like it/them delivered to your home address or collected at the AGM on Friday 11 October – simply click here

Cost is £22.99 per shirt, delivered – or £20.00 if being collected at the AGM – invoices will be issued once the shirts have been received from the supplier.


Following the success of our Polo Shirts, we are now looking into expanding the range to include a similarly high quality Sweatshirt for wear on those cooler days/evenings that are about to come back!  These come from the same supplier, a firm and reliable contact of our own Jim Donaldson, and at a remarkably reasonable cost – and in a wider range of colours too!

More details to follow in the next few weeks…………!!


One of the most important pieces of work over the past 10 months or so has been the complete rewrite of the Rules and Regulations of the Association.  Although they had been reviewed in recent years, this would more easily be described as “tinkering at the edges.”  However, in moving the Association into a more modern and streamlined overall approach, it was essential that the rules be fully reconsidered to be able to achieve this.

Main changes include:

            • A formal rotation of both Officers and Committee Members on a 5-yearly cycle – the   main aim of this being to prevent stagnation within the Committee and to develop a      principle of continuity for all. In effect, 1 Officer and 1 Committee member will be required        to stand down annually (although they may stand for re-election) with all others remaining        in situ to ensure the principle of continuity. Currently, the rules dictate that the entire   Committee has to be re-elected annually which, in its most idiotic execution, could mean           that everyone is displaced at the same time!

            •Significant changes to the way in which members may enter the Association, and clear lines      in regard to their removal should they fail to maintain subscriptions or bring the Association into disrepute.

            •Greater involvement of the active service members of the Association.

            •Clearer accountability with regard to the various roles of individuals, and functions they            undertake, on behalf of the wider Committee

Whilst these will be addressed as an item on the agenda of the AGM, the wider detail of both the new and old Regulations is available to view here, and all members are invited (encouraged!) to give up a few minutes to read and compare the old and new.


Along with updating and streamlining the Rules and Regulations, we have also had to give significant thought to the continuation or otherwise of the 5-yearly RNWA Directory of Members.

Modern developments in the world of Information Technology (IT) and the ways in which it is managed in order to protect the honest, law-abiding members of our community have changed dramatically since we, as an Association, initially issued a comprehensive directory of our members so many years ago.  Times were far simpler, and certainly more straightforward.  However, we obviously cannot go backwards and have had to consider how, if at all, we take our Directory forward for the future.

In recommending to the Committee that we no longer follow this path, the following rationale was applied.  The Committee, with a heavy heart, agreed unanimously with these recommendations.

Firstly, we have to be cognisant of, and protective with, the data that we hold of all of our members, and, in this litigious and exploitative world, we are simply unable to provide such a guarantee.  It had already been established through GDPR measures at the time of joining currently and, some years ago for those already in membership at that time, that there is a significant number that simply do not wish to have their details included in a Directory.  This immediately calls into question the point of the exercise. Added to this is, of course, the flexibility that has to be given – agreement given today can be withdrawn at any time, and this makes the publication vulnerable to breaching the rules immediately it is issued.

Secondly, we cannot guarantee the safety of the information once issued – we have all heard of (or experienced) identity theft, hackers and/or scammers and, in order for the Directory to be “meaningful” to our members it would have to contain information that would, in the wrong hands, be useful to those of malevolent intent – and we, as an Association, cannot offer any opportunities of this nature, no matter how well intended in its concept. 

Thirdly, and finally, there is the vexed and difficult question of “retention of information”.  In simple terms, personal information should only be retained for as long as it is necessary to achieve an agreed aim – for example, a birth certificate may need to be seen to confirm a date of birth, but once seen should be returned to the individual and not retained.  It is arguable therefore that once an individual leaves the RNWA, for whatever reason, retention of their personal information – in the form of a Directory – is no longer justifiable.  Short of issuing regular amendments – costly and time consuming but again, with no guarantee of being actioned – this makes the publication non-viable. 

However, there is an alternative that has proven to work effectively in practice.

The Association, through its membership secretary (that would be me, then) keeps a public list of members (names only) up to date on a daily “joining and leaving” basis – when either a joiner or leaver is noted, they are added or removed from the list immediately.  This exists online here and is available to all – members and non-members alike.  If anyone – member or non-member – wishes to make contact with an individual on the list of members, then they simply complete an online enquiry, and the membership secretary will:

            •          Acknowledge receipt of the request

            •          Contact the individual to ascertain their willingness, or otherwise, to be a party to          the contact

            •          Advise the enquirer of the outcome including, if agreed, necessary contact details.

            •          Retain a full trail of activity with the appropriate records

In effect, the Association will act as a broker to making contact, but never without the express permission of the individual from whom contact is being sought.

I have to say that given the bewildering rules and regulations that now abound with regard to something as simple as a Directory (or at least “used” to be!), I believe that we have arrived at the best and most suitable solution moving forward, and hope that you will agree.

The next Directory would have been due in June 2027, but the revised “search” facility is available already – and has been used half a dozen times too!

…………….and finally……….


On holiday in the Charente a couple of weeks ago with my partner, son (aged 15) and grandson (aged 16……don’t ask…)  we went for a traditional stroll around the weekly market in the beautiful town of Chalais.  The market covers virtually the whole town, from top to bottom and various streets and squares in between.  Being old and slow, I got detached a bit and ended up in a slightly more crowded area than planned, so headed for a seat at a nearby cafe, as one does.    As I took my seat, I was tapped on the shoulder by a gentleman of similar age but slightly better tan. 

“Hi Don, how are you my old friend?” 

I was caught cold……………

“Very well thanks – and you?” says me, scrabbling for identification clues.

“Excellent thanks” he smiled, “But can’t hang around as I am supposed to be looking for the cheese stall”.

Now, at this point, although he looked familiar, I had not the foggiest clue as to who he was – and just assumed he was another ex-Scribe….

“Good luck with that then” says the bemused one “Will I see you in October?”.

“Yes, of course, why wouldn’t you” says he, as he disappears into the crowd.

Fifteen minutes later, my family stumble into the same square and join me for croissants and coffee. 

“Did you see Dave at all – we have just seen Julia and the kids, but they were too far away to catch up with them?” says the good looking one.

“What, you mean Dave, Julia, Spencer and Olivia that live 4 doors down from us?”

“That’s them”.

“No love, never saw anyone…………….” blushes the old and forgetful idiot.

Enjoy the rest of your summer………



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