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Royal Naval Writers Association

Formed in 1887 - The Oldest Military Association

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Royal Naval Writers’ Association

The World’s Oldest Military Association – Est. 1887

March 2022 Newsletter

Foreword from the President

Here we are already in March and Christmas seems to have drifted into the distant past.  However, I hope you all had a very Happy Christmas and a Merry New Year and you have all dodged the dreaded Covid 19. Now we can look forward to spring and the days drawing out.

It was good seeing many of you at the Reunion dinner, what an excellent turnout but sad to say that one attendee was harbouring Covid without knowing it and another caught the virus.  I am pleased to inform you that both have since fully recovered.  It brings the virus nearer to home when the Secretary and his wife recently contracted the virus and we had to postpone the

January meeting.  Again, you will be pleased to know they are both fully recovered.

The Committee has been meeting bi-monthly albeit online and have been able to carry through business as usual due to the dedication of the Committee and members attending online.  The Secretary sends out a meeting calling notice to well over 100 members by email.

This year we will publish a new directory and as usual we will be sending out tickets for the Grand National Draw and the 135th Annual Reunion Dinner will be held in the UJC London on 14th October 2022. The Secretary will go into more detail in this newsletter, and you are encouraged to all  purchase the draw tickets and seriously think about attending the on-line meetings and it goes without saying attending the Reunion Dinner.

I reiterate what I said before that is that the virus is eradicated, or we learn to live with it and get back to normal.  Keep Safe & Healthy

Colin Hughes

RNWA President

3 Barnes Lane
Sarisbury Green
Southampton Hants.
SO31 7DA

Tel. 01489 573101

‘Crossed the Bar’  

Lapsed member Norman Baker of Southsea ‘CTB’ in January 2022.   


As of 31st January 2022:- 

3 Honorary Members 

29 Life Members

238 Members

270 Total

63 members were due to pay their contribution in 2022 – check out the list on the website, detailed by Alphabetical Surname order and by Month due.

8 are outstanding from 2021 and this is a final reminder! 3 members have been Lapsed in Jan 2022 i.a.w Rules 5 & 6 – see the website.   

Records indicate there are no Life Memberships to be awarded in 2022

Renewal Contributions can be made (minimum £10) via online payment:

Lloyds Bank plc 30-96-26 Account No. 34521468

Email amount & date **

Grand National – April

Please do your best to sell the enclosed tickets (2 books – 5 to a book) for this year’s Grand National on  Saturday 9th April starting at 5.15pm i.e., at £1 per ticket and £5.00 the book. Payment can be made direct online ** just quote Ref: GN (same paying in details for the Renewal contributions and can be combined e.g., GN / REN) and email me to let me know. Ensure ticket stubs after payment is made are returned BY 4th April.

1st Prize is £200.00 !!!  

135th Reunion Dinner

Friday 14th October    at The Union Jack Club, London – £35.00

Full information and details are enclosed separately. Also, all details are on the website


2022 sees the 5th anniversary year of the     production of a RNWA Directory detailing ALL members names and addresses and contact tel. numbers (not emails)

To ensure the RNWA records held are correct, check the address label on the envelope and written Tel. number – if incorrect contact me asap. Publishing in May! 

2022 sees the 5th anniversary year of the     production of a RNWA Directory detailing ALL members names and addresses and contact tel. numbers (not emails)

To ensure the RNWA records held are correct, check the address label on the envelope and written Tel. number – if incorrect contact me asap. Publishing in May! 

Text Box: The format of the event was held on a knock-out  basis with ‘HPPP’ finding themselves after a day of playing in the final; Sherbie’s first attempt, after Les’s past failures of being knocked out in the first round in previous years. Unfortunately, HPPP became Runners-Up losing to a WRN who’d never played before and her     If you do not wish your  details to be published, then advise and contact me no later than 8th April.

Details will not and are not to be shared with any Third parties and are to be kept within the confines of the RNWA membership!

Uckers World Pairs Championship


The tournament was  held in HM Naval Dockyard Portsmouth in a large marque outside the ‘Mary Rose’ and opposite HMS VICTORY on Saturday 23rd October 2021. Les represented the RNWA with partner ex-Stoker Steve ‘Sherbie’ Barrett (Chairman of Gosport RAFA Club where they  met) entering as ‘HMS PICKLE Pussers Pirates’.

The format of the event was held on a knock-out  basis with ‘HPPP’ finding themselves after a day of playing in the final; Sherbie’s first attempt, after Les’s past failures of being knocked out in the first round in previous years. Unfortunately, HPPP became Runners-Up losing to a WRN who’d never played before and her husband, both of whom worked for the RNRMC co-organisers of the event.

Avoid Covid19!  

Les Heyhoe

Newsletter Editor & Producer, The Secretary & Membership


Tel. 023 9235 7181 or 07712 404127


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